
Beat #1: Opening - Names: Brady, Andy, Roshan, Lucas - Sophomore English students at SHP - Personal intros

Beat #2: Intro - Episode Title: A Dehumanizing America - Topic: Frederick Douglass, the enslaved narrative, and the legacies of slavery - Aspects interesting to us - How the narrative influenced our understanding of slavery as a whole - What we hope is interesting for listeners - What we want them to take away from the podcast

Beat #3 - #: Main events - First thing you notice: cruelty of slaveholders, dehumanization of the enslaved, and the breakup of families - General unfairness, injustice, and lack of logic of slavery - An enslaved person will try to escape despite the risks - Hypocrisy of Christianity - Why was slavery justified? (economic reasons/religion) - Slaveholders essentially brainwash the enslaved - psychological aspects - Contemporary issues with slavery - Get Out - Slavery’s legacy lingers significantly in the educational system - Podcast - Enslaved Africans’ impact and legacy on American music and dance

Final Beat: Conclusion and call to action

Call to action for listeners to educate themselves about the history of slavery and its impact on contemporary society

Encouragement for listeners to support organizations and initiatives working towards justice and equality for all.

Last update: June 5, 2023
Created: June 5, 2023