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The Prophet Project

Hebrew Scriptures “The Prophets” Assignment:  This project has three components completed over 2.5 days.  All work can be done in class.

A. Prophet Profile on the prophet(s) assigned to you. Research the life and times of your prophet. Respond to the questions about your prophet.

B. Scholarly Exegetical Outline on an assigned passage from your prophet.  Use historical research and biblical commentaries to explain the full meaning of a passage in its particular place and time.

C. Modern Application of the prophetic message. Use your creativity to reimagine your prophet’s message for the world today.


Lex, Leah


Ariv, Ebo


Cade, Damon


Curtis, Greg


Meredith, Matthew


John, Mia


Ellie, Chase, Roshan


A. Prophet Profile – Typed responses to the “Prophet Profile Questions.”

B. Scholarly Exegesis – Typed responses to the “Exegesis Questions.” 

C. Modern Application – A creatively expressed message of your prophet to the modern world.


Step 1 – Prophet Profile. Read and respond to the questions about your prophet. Use the textbook, the Bible (introduction to your prophet’s book), ONE biblical resource book, and the “Read Scripture” Video on Youtube.  You may not use other Internet sources.

Step 2 - Exegesis. Read the passage and two commentaries to respond to the questions on the scripture passage that is assigned. Use two biblical commentaries that directly address the particular passage.

Step 3 – Modern Application.  Now that you have spent two days exploring your prophet in depth – background, main themes, style of prophesying – think about the world today.  If your prophet was alive and prophesying today what would his message be? How would he express God’s message to society? You can (1) write out a modern day passage from the perspective of your prophet that addresses a modern day injustice; or (2) create a symbolic image that depicts your prophet and his message; or (3) create a 3 song playlist that captures the spirit and message of your prophet.

Prophet Profile

Prophet Profile Questions

  • WHO?  Name of Prophet 


  • WHEN?  Time Period of the Prophet

    597 BCE

  • WHERE?  Where did your prophet preach?

    Temple of Jerusalem at the rebuilding after it was destroyed.

  • WHAT?  Describe the social and religious background at the time of your prophet. Politically? Religiously? Socially? Economically? Etc...Be specific; give names and places if relevant. (3-4 sentences)

    This was during the Babylonian exile, so the people of Israel already had extreme prejudice against the people of Israel were incredibly hostile to him due to his relationship with the god who had exiled them.

  • WHAT?  What was your prophet’s main message(s)? Give details. (3-4 sentences)

    Before the fall of the temple of Jerusalem, Ezekiel is telling the people of Israel that danger is coming and they will soon fall to the Babylonians. Nobody believes him until it actually happens. Once Jerusalem falls, he becomes more recognized by the people, and has visons about spiritual resurrection.

  • HOW? What are some important or unique details about your prophet? For example, how he was received? What was his writing or preaching style? What images or symbols did he use? What else do we need to know about your prophet or the time period in which he lived to understand his message? (3-4 sentences)

    He was originally a priest and was able to speak the word of god by consuming a scroll. In addition to this consummation of a scroll, god would often command Ezekiel to speak to the people of Israel or perform certain acts.

  • WHY?  Why is your prophet significant? What religious truths does he teach us? Explain. (3-4 sentences)

    he was driven to communicate the word of god through his actions rather than his words. He often put off some unsettling and vivid messages through physical movement, and communication. Oftentimes, most people would consider him possessed by a demon, rather, he was possessed by god, and was driven to do these acts through the spirit of god. He shows us that even when exiled, god never left his people. Instead, he was still with the people. He shows us that the point of the exile was due to the infidelity of the Israelites to the covenant of god.

Exegetical Analysis

Step 2a

Exegesis. Read and take notes on the scripture passage that is assigned. Read and take notes on two biblical commentaries on the particular passage.  (You may not check out the commentaries.  You can take photos or copy the information you need for research.)

Exegesis Questions (Notes Page)

Name of Prophet Passage
Elijah 1 Kings 17:1-16 - Lex
1 Kings 19:1-18 - Leah
1 Kings 21:1-29
Amos Amos 4:1-12 Ariv
Amos 5:7-17 Ebo
Amos 5:18-27
Hosea Hosea 2: 1-25 Cade
Hosea 11:1-11 Damon
Hosea 14:1-10
Isaiah Isaiah 2:1-5 Curtis
Isaiah 11:1-9 Greg
Micah Micah 4:1-7 Meredith
Micah 6:6-8 Matthew
Jerimiah Jeremiah 1:1-19 John
Jeremiah 10:1-16 Mia
Ezekiel Ezekiel 2:1-3:4 Ellie
Ezekiel 4:1-8 Chase
Ezekiel 37:1-14 Roshan

Step 2b

Exegesis. Use your notes to complete the “Exegesis Questions.” Type your final responses.  

Exegesis Questions:

  1. What is going on (plot) in the passage? (3-4 sentences)

    In the passage, Ezekiel experiences a vision of a valley of dry bones. He speaks to god and tells him that he believes that the bones will never live again. God tells them to

  2. When, where, and under what circumstances was the passage written? (3-4 sentences)

    This passage was written during his captivity in Babylon. It was a compilation of prophetic texts written by Ezekiel that were collected after his death and compiled into the book.

  3. How did the prophet or author’s life circumstances affect the shaping of the text? (3-4 sentences)

    Ezekiel was alive during the fall of Israel into the hands of the Babylonians. The vision he experienced explains that god will eventually restore the house of Israel to its former status, but only if the people of Israel begin to believe in god once again.

  4. Who were the original recipients of the prophet’s message?  What were their life circumstances? (2-3 sentences)

    The original audience of the prophets message were the captured Israelites that were oppressed by the Babylonians. During the time of the Babylonian exile, the Israelites were subjects of slavery and violence.

  5. What central message(s) is the author trying to convey in the passage? (3-4 sentences)

    Through the metaphor of dry bones regaining life, Ezekiel shows how god never left his people. even in a time of great despair like the Babylonian exile, god still remained with his people.

  6. What words, images, and symbols are used, and what do they signify? (3-4 sentences)

    The imagery of god breathing life back into the dry bones, and the sinews and flesh covered them just through hearing the word of god. God tells Ezekiel that the bones were the house of Israel, and they will once again be restored when they begin to act faithful in the eyes of god.

  7. What is the literary form or “genre” of the passage? (3-4 sentences)

    The vision of dry bones was a prophetic account from Ezekiel himself. The passage is written in first person, making it seem like Ezekiel himself is telling you of this revelation himself.

  8. What other information is necessary to understand the text? (3-4 sentences)

    During the time of the exile, much of Israel regarded Ezekiel as insane, or filled with the spirit of the devil. because of this, he was often called insane and disregarded by the rest of the people. But when the Babylonians actually came to Israel and conquered all of the Israelites, Ezekiel's message was actually heard. Much of this book was compiled after Ezekiel's imprisonment in Babylon.

Modern Application

Step 3

Playlist Link

Playlist Overview

  • Feel Like God - gazzzy, framed

    This song relates the call of Ezekiel to prophethood. He felt the spirit of god more violently than any other prophet, which I matched with the style of the song picked. The aggressive tone and sound of the music helps the listener experience the extreme emotions felt while being in the presence of god.

  • I Feel It Coming - The Weeknd, Daft Punk

    The title of the song relates to how Ezekiel's prophetic visions helped him realize and warn the people of Israel that the Babylonians were coming. He could feel and understand that the end of the current Israel was coming and felt compelled to warn everyone.

  • Start a Riot - Duckwrth, Shaboozey

    This song is very aggressive and symbolizes the riots and conquering of Israel by the Babylonians, but it also has a message about finding your inner hero in the toughest of times. The song reminds me of the violence that occurred during the conquering of Israel.

  • GONE, GONE/THANK YOU - Tyler, The Creator

    The title of the song comes from the feeling of despair while the Israelites are rounded up and oppressed by the Babylonians. The song repeatedly says "my love is gone" - symbolizing that the Israelites have lost their love for god. But at the end of the song, it switches to the song thank you, where the tone switches to a much more hopeful beat. This gives hope that we may return back.

  • Look Alive - SwuM

    This song relates to Ezekiel's vision of the bones in the valley. the lyrics of the song talk about how drake believed that he would never return to music after he left, similar to how Ezekiel believed that the dry bones would never come alive. The title also relates to the song because as soon as Ezekiel spoke the word of god, the bones came to life.

  • Dream - Al Green

    This song serves as a bookend to the story of Ezekiel. When he is imprisoned in Babylon, he believes that he has already served his purpose of bringing hope to the people of Israel that they will someday return back to the promised land. The song starts soft and ends rather dramatically, similar to the life of Ezekiel. The title also symbolizes the dream that someday they "will come again" just like Al Green says in the song.

Last update: June 5, 2023
Created: June 5, 2023