Unit 3 Study Guide
tags: [review]¶
Unit 3 Study Guide Revised¶
20 Matching Questions¶
4 Short Responses¶
1 Exegetical Paragraph on a Passage¶
Terms - People, Places, Etc…¶
Historical Books Joshua Deuteronomic Theology Promised Land Jericho Ai Canaanites Rahab Judges Ehud Deborah Jael/Sisera Samuel Saul David Solomon Jordan River Jonathon Davidic Covenant Bathsheba Uriah Temple Judah Israel Jerusalem Samaria Goliath Ban High Places Baal
Using any version below, explain the OVERALL story of the Bible: (3-4 sentences)
What period in Israelite history is recounted in the Historical Books?
The period in time recounting the time between the freedom from Egypt and the Babylonian exile.
What’s the difference between these biblical historical books and modern day historical books?
The biblical historical books are not meant to be taken literally as a historical document, rather, the texts are metaphorical; symbolizing a deeper meaning behind the story.
Who was Joshua and what is the primary theology - understanding of God - we read about in the Book of Joshua?
Joshua was the prophet that follows Moses. During the time of Joshua, the people of Israel finally enter the promised land and wage several battles against the Philistines
What is Deuteronomic theology?
Deuteronomic theology is a school of thought created by the Deuteronomic scholars of Israel during the Babylonian exile. They believe that humanities relationship with god is very black-and-white and does
When given a passage, such as Joshua 1, Joshua 24, Psalm 15 or Proverbs 12, be able to cite the text as an example of Deuteronomic theology.
Who were the “judges” and when was the period of the judges?
The judges were a series of 12 military and political leaders from the 12 tribes of Israel. Each of the judges have heavy flaws, but
What cyclical pattern is a theme throughout the Book of Judges? Explain each of the “steps” in the cycle.
The book of judges begins with a military leader of a tribe of Israel being instilled with the spirit of God. They would use the guidance and spirit of god to complete acts in his name i.e. defeating a city of Canaanites or Philistines. Towards the end of the story, the deep flaws within each of the characters comes into play and they often leave the state of Israel in a worse state than they started.
How did the Deuteronomic writers shape the book of Judges?
Given a story, such as the Judges 4, be able to cite and explain the cycle of sin, disaster, repentance, and deliverance.
Who was Samuel? What role does he play in Israel’s history?
Who was Saul? What role does he play in Israel’s history?
Who was David? What role does he play in Israel’s history?
Why is David not the obvious choice for king? What religious truths are found in 1 Samuel 16 - the story of David’s anointing?
What is one of the main differences between Saul and David that the biblical writers are trying to convey?
What is the “Davidic Covenant?”
What is one of David’s main sins and what happens as a result? How does this “explanation of events” reflect the theology of the Deuteronomic authors of 1 and 2 Samuel?
Who was Solomon? Explain citing events in his life and what they show us about his character. Solomon was the 3rd king of Israel and the son of David. He was often called the "temple builder" because he fulfilled David's wish of building a temple for the God of Israel. He later becomes overrun with corruption and greed, so much so that the Kingdom splits into to separate kingdoms.
What are the names of the kingdoms after the split? Capital city? Israel - North (Shechem and Samaria) Judah - South(Jerusalem, Jewish temple)
What is the role of the prophets?
Why did the Israelites end up in Exile, according to the prophets? The Israelites ended up in exile because they were not faithful to god and following his covenant. Due to this, God punished the people of Israel by allowing them to be conquered by the Assyrians and then Babylonians
Created: June 5, 2023