Final Test Overview

What are we doing?

Exegesis on TWO passages/stories we have studied this semester.

When is it due?

You must attend class on the day of the Final. All graded work will be completed during that period.

What SPECIFICALLY needs to be done?

You will be interpreting (exegesis) TWO passages/stories. You must choose passages that are from separate books of the Bible and that focus on separate themes.  Then, you have the choice between of the following options: 1. Option 1: Write TWO exegetical paragraphs, one paragraph on each passage. (50% of the grade = first paragraph; 50% of the grade = second paragraph) 2. Option 2: Write ONE exegetical paragraph on one passage; and have ONE graded discussion on the second passage. (50% of the grade = written paragraph; 50% of the grade = verbal discussion)

Every student must inform the teacher by Thursday 12/8, at 8:30 AM, of their choice between Option 1 and Option 2 above. A Google Form will be provided.

On Thursday, 12/8, for periods ABCD and on Friday, 12/9, for periods EFG, students will be given time in class to prepare handwritten outlines for each passage. Students can bring these outlines on the day of the Final and can use them to write their paragraph(s) or as part of their discussion. 

More details on the paragraph(s) and graded discussion

A written or verbal interpretation of each passage should include:

  1. A thesis that states a religious truth that the author was attempting to convey to the original audience given their life circumstances. It must be specific for the passage and connect to one of the major themes (listed below).

  2. One or more direct quote(s) from the biblical passage/story as evidence for your conclusion(s).

  3. One or more insightful piece(s) of historical/cultural/social/religious/etc. information that allows us to understand the passage more fully in its original context. Use the footnotes, textbook, editor’s introduction, or commentaries for this information.

  4. An analysis of how the passage reflects or connects to one of the major themes we have studied this semester (listed below.)

  5. A conclusion restating your thesis and thoughtfully summarizes why the passage was important to the Israelites AND is still relevant today.

  6. Please see the rubric below for further details.

Passages: You must choose TWO passages that are from separate books of the Bible and that focus on separate themes. The following are possible themes and applicable passages.

Covenant - “Covenant” is the primary biblical term for the relationship between God and God’s people.  Throughout the biblical story, different characters and communities are in a covenantal relationship with God. Always initiated from YHWH’s side toward human beings, and humans gradually learn to trust it and respond in kind. How have covenants been created, sealed, honored and/or broken? What does this covenantal relationship reveal about who God is and how Israel is called to be in the world?

Gen 15:1-7 - Covenant with Abraham

Gen 17:1-14 - Covenant of Circumcision

Ex 20:1-17 - Ten Commandments

Exodus 32:1-29 - The Golden Calf

Leviticus 26: 3-46- (Dis)Obedience

Deut 6:4-9 The Great Commandment/Shema

Deut 30:15-20 - The Choice before Israel

2 Sam 7:1-17 - Davidic Covenant

1 Kgs 11:1-13 - Solomon’s Disobedience

Salvation History: The Hebrew Scriptures Bible, while containing separate books, tells one single unified story.  This story of God’s relationship with human beings, in particular the Israelites, over many centuries is called salvation history - the story of salvation.  It is not “history” in the modern sense; rather, it is a recalling, through myths, narratives, poetry, songs, and the like, of God’s profound LOVE for life, creation, and every individual person. How does a particular story fit into the whole story of salvation or God’s love for us? What do each of these stories reveal about God’s love and God’s desires for human beings?

Gen 15:1-7 - Covenant with Abraham

Gen 17:1-14 - Covenant of Circumcision

Gen 25:19-34 - Birth of Esau and Jacob

Ex 3:1-4:9 - Call and Commission of Moses

Ex 20:1-17 - Ten Commandments

Deut 6:4-9 The Great Commandment/Shema

Josh 1:1-11 - God helps Joshua

Judges 2:1-3:6 Sin Cycle, Israel's Infidelities

Judges 4 - Deborah and Barak

1 Samuel 1 - Hannah’s Prayer

1 Samuel 3 - Call of Samuel

1 Sam 8:10-18 - Governance of a King

1 Sam 16:1-13 - Samuel Anoints David

2 Sam 7:1-17 - Davidic Covenant

1 Kgs 11:1-13 - Solomon’s Disobedience

Faith: Faith is first and foremost a gift. Faith is trusting that God is with us, that the Power of Goodness is with us, as we journey through all of life’s uncertainties.  God does not promise a life free from suffering or free from uncertainty.  God does promise, however, that the Spirit of Love and Goodness will always be with us in life.  The opposite of faith is not doubt; the opposite of faith is fear.  How does God invite people’s trust? How do people/groups respond or fail to respond to that invitation? What can we learn about living a life of faith today?

Gen 12:1-9 - The Call of Abraham

Gen 17:1-14 - Covenant of Circumcision

Gen 22:1-19 - Testing of Abraham

Ex 3:1-4:9 - Call and Commission of Moses

Exodus 32:1-29 - The Golden Calf

Ex 33:7-23 - Moses’ Intimacy with God

Deut 6:4-9 The Great Commandment/Shema

Deut 30:15-20 - The Choice before Israel

Josh 1:1-11 - God helps Joshua

1 Samuel 1 - Hannah’s Prayer

1 Samuel 3 - Call of Samuel

1 Sam 16:1-13 - Samuel Anoints David

2 Samuel 11 - David’s Sin

2 Samuel 12 - David’s Repentance

Sin and Forgiveness/Atonement: Human beings freely choose to act sinfully, harming their relationships with each other and God.  Doing so, human beings must live with the “natural” or “logical” consequences of their actions. God is forever faithful, offering a way back into relationship; God does not just leave humanity in their sin.  How is sin/reconciliation seen as the different ways people and groups live, grow and change in their faith? What deeper truths do these stories teach us about who God is and what God desires for us even as people who sin?

Gen 3:1-24 - Expulsion from Eden/The Fall

Gen 4:1-17 - Cain and Abel

Ex 2:11-22 - Moses’ Flight to Midian

Exodus 32:1-29 - The Golden Calf

Leviticus 26: 3-46- (Dis)Obedience

Deut 30:15-20 - The Choice before Israel

Judges 2:1-3:6 Sin Cycle, Israel's Infidelities

Judges 4 - Deborah and Barak

1 Sam 13:2-12 - Saul’s Disobedience

2 Samuel 11 - David’s Sin

2 Samuel 12 - David’s Repentance

1 Kgs 11:1-13 - Solomon’s Disobedience

Care for the Marginalized: We have seen throughout our study that people marginalized, the anawim, by society acted with courage and faith to bring about God’s plans.  And that God actually chooses those whom society rejects to bring God’s love and goodness into the world.  How does a particular story illustrate Divine Concern and Love for the poor and oppressed? What can we learn from their journeys and God’s choice to work through them? 

Gen 16:1-15 - Birth of Ishmael

Gen 25:19-34 - Birth of Esau and Jacob

Ex 2:11-22 - Moses’ Flight to Midian

Ex 3:1-4:9 - Call and Commission of Moses

1 Samuel 1 - Hannah’s Prayer

1 Samuel 3 - Call of Samuel

1 Sam 16:1-13 - Samuel Anoints David

A Personal Call: God calls people throughout history for a special mission or meaningful task for the wellbeing of the entire community.  What kind of people does God call? How do they respond? What is the outcome of their mission?  What do we learn about call and mission/human purpose from these stories? 

Gen 12:1-9 - The Call of Abraham

Gen 17:1-14 - Covenant of Circumcision

Gen 22:1-19 - Testing of Abraham

Ex 2:11-22 - Moses’ Flight to Midian

Ex 3:1-4:9 - Call and Commission of Moses

Ex 33:7-23 - Moses’ Intimacy with God

Josh 1:1-11 - God helps Joshua

1 Samuel 1 - Hannah’s Prayer

1 Samuel 3 - Call of Samuel

1 Sam 16:1-13 - Samuel Anoints David

2 Sam 7:1-17 - Davidic Covenant

On the exam, you will interpret TWO passages. Each passage will be worth 25 points for a total of 50 points on the Final Exam.


Exemplary (5 pts)

Good (4.5 pts)

Satisfactory (4 pts)

Needs Work (3 pts)

Thesis Sentence/ Religious Truth

Student includes a thesis statement which provides a clear introduction to the paragraph and effectively highlights a religious truth from the passage and its connection to the chosen theme.

Student includes a thesis statement which states a religious truth from the passage and its connection to the chosen theme.

Student includes a thesis statement, but either the religious truth from the passage or its connection to the chosen theme is unclear.

There is no thesis statement or more clarity, accuracy, or information is needed.

Biblical Quotes

There is one or more direct quote(s) from the biblical passage/story as evidence for your thesis statement.  The quotes provide clear, complete, concise, and accurate evidence and are cited correctly

There is one or more direct quote(s) from the biblical passage/story as evidence for your thesis statements.  Quote is cited.

There is one direct quote from the biblical passage/story provided as evidence.  Much more clarity, accuracy, explanation, or information is needed or the quote wasn’t cited.

The passage is explained, but there is no direct quote from the biblical passage/story as evidence. 

Historical-Critical Insights

There is one or more insightful piece(s) of historical/
cultural/social/religious/etc. information that allows us to understand the passage more fully in its original context. The information is presented clearly, completely, concisely and accurately. Source is cited accurately.

There is one or more insightful piece(s) of historical/cultural/social/
religious/etc. information that allows us to understand the passage more fully in its original context. Source is cited.

There is one or more insightful piece(s) of historical/cultural/social/religious/etc. information but much more clarity, accuracy, or information is needed. Source is cited.

The historical/ cultural/social/

religious/etc. information mentioned does not refer to a particular source or is not relevant for the paragraph.

Analysis of Major Theme

There is an analysis of how the passage reflects or connects to one of the major themes.  The major theme and how it is illustrated in the passage are clear, complete, concise and accurate.

There is a meaningful analysis of how the passage reflects or connects to one of the major themes.  

There is a brief analysis of how the passage reflects or connects to one of the major themes.

Or much more clarity, accuracy, or information is needed.

There is mention of how the passage connects to the theme, but no additional analysis is provided.

Important/Relevance of Passage and Conclusion

Concluding sentences restate the thesis, and effectively  explain why the passage was important to the Israelites AND is still relevant today.

Concluding sentences restate the thesis, and explain why the passage was important to the Israelites AND is still relevant today.

Concluding sentences do not clearly explain why the passage was important to the Israelites or how it is still relevant today.

Concluding sentences are brief and ineffective.

Last update: June 5, 2023
Created: June 5, 2023