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The World of Jesus

Step 1: Work with your group members (A, B, C, D, E) to respond to the questions for your section based on your textbook reading. The responses for your section should each be 2-4 sentences in length.

Step 2: Take notes on the other sections when your classmates share their learning with you. You should have 2-4 bullet points per question.

A. Palestine:  Great Variety in a Small Land (p.79-82)

  1. Name the major regions of Palestine at Jesus’ time and the major bodies of water.  Describe the geography of the land (climate, weather, landscape.)

  2. Decapolis
  3. paraiah
  4. samaria
  5. judah
  6. idumea


  • Mediterranean sea
  • sea of galilee

  • Water:  A Precious Resource.  What was the role of water in Jesus day?  Was it abundant or scarce?

  • Important part of day to day life and religious practices

  • Jesus uses the image of water frequently in the biblical text.  List at least three characteristics of water that make it a symbol or image rich with meaning.

  • Water was very scarce, used to cleanse and share the power of life

B. The People and Their Daily Life (p.84-88)

  1. Explain the importance of the meal for a Jewish family.  When and how did people eat in Jesus’ day?

  2. Peoplel didnt ususally share food with others so they were shocked when jesus fed the poor

  3. What was the common food of Jesus’ day?  How often did people eat meat?

  4. Most common food was bread fish and wine, only the wealthy wwere regularly able to eat meat, so it was saved for special occassions.

  5. Describe the houses of the Jewish people in Jesus’ day. 

  6. often had smaller haouses, not very showy. Community stoves and kitchens.

  7. Describe the most common occupations of the common Jewish people in Jesus’ day.

  8. Most jewish participated in artisian crafts and dyes.

C. The Jewish Family and Social Classes (p.89-94)

  1. Describe the process of betrothal and marriage within a Jewish family.  

  2. Time period before ppl got married.

  3. mostly got married around 12.5 and men got married around 20
  4. Law recognized the rules of marriage but not particularly fair.

  5. Describe the distinct roles of women and men in the Jewish family.

  6. men were the head of the families.

  7. fathers were pretty ruthless and could sell their children.
  8. women were not given any rights at all.

  9. Explain the different social classes of Jesus day, including groups that had high status and those that did not.

  10. Poor vs rich, no middle class

  11. poor ppl would work in farms and such or would be enslaved to rich people.

D. Major Features of Judaism (p.94-100)

  1. Explain the importance of Jerusalem and its Temple in the life of the Jewish people of Jesus’ day.

  2. People sacrificed animals to show thanksgiving or to seek forgiveness.

  3. Explain the role of a synagogue in Jesus’ day.

  4. Place people went to when the temple was destroyed and became the center of jewish life.

  5. Discuss the daily and weekly prayer life of the Jews of Jesus’ day.

  6. A faithful Jewish person was expected to pray at dawn and dusk and to recite the shema.

  7. set aside 3 times during the day to pray.
  8. Personal and communal prayer

  9. Identify two important feasts in the Jewish year and explain their meaning.

  10. Passover largest celebrated feast in the religion

  11. day of atonement. 3 days of feast. and ritual maimings.

E. Key Religious-Political Groups and Persons (p.66 and 100-102)

Explain who the following were in Jesus’ society:

  1. The high priest

The highest leadership position of all the Jewish. Participated in all important religious ceremonies.

  1. Sadducees

Priestly Class that worked between new Jewish political leaders.

  1. Pharisees

Tried to find compromise between Essenes and Sadducees.

  1. Zealots

Maintained the military status of the Jewish and refrained from being overpowered through the roman empire.

  1. Tax Collectors

Began taxing the jews to help pay off debts to the romans. They also expected to pay a temple tax to their leaders. Romans hired Jewish agents to attain a certain quota of taxes from the Jewish. They were also called publicans

  1. The Great Sanhedrin

The official governing body of the Jews. Was recognized by the romans, consisted of 70 members and a president

  1. Scribes

Scribes would interpret all kinds of literature, from law to religious texts. They were versed in the law and when they became teachers, they were called “rabbis” meaning “master” or “teacher”. The Scribes wrote a significant amount of the old testament.

  1. Essenes (see p.66)

People who withdrew from Jewish society to just participate in religious traditions.

Last update: June 5, 2023
Created: June 5, 2023