John 13:1-17

Thesis: Before the last supper, Jesus, accepting his imminent death, exemplified humble service to his disciples, urging them to embrace this principle of service, demonstrating that no one is exempt from serving others in the Kingdom of God.

  • Jesus has come to terms with his imminent death.

    • Knowing that Judas had already betrayed him, Jesus chooses to host the last supper, a momentous act symbolizing acceptance of his fate.
    • McCarren's statement, “Jesus too has been described as fearful and unsettled at heart,” shows that despite Jesus's divine nature, he still felt human emotions, including fear and anxiety. Yet, his ability to face his fears shows his resolution and acceptance of his impending death.
    • McCarren's quote, “Jesus’ teaching has been an extended conversation about the possibility of giving oneself completely to the God who gives himself completely to you,” underlines Jesus's dedication to his mission. This willingness to give himself fully to God's will is a clear indication of his acceptance of his fate.
    • With his execution looming, Jesus wanted to ensure that his teachings would persist after his departure. His acceptance of death wasn't a surrender, but rather a motivating force to continue educating his disciples, showcasing his steadfast commitment to his divine mission.
  • He loved the disciples and fully believed that he was from God and would return to God.

    • The verse, “But Jesus knew the father had put everything into his hands; he knew he came from God and was going to God.”(John 13:3), emphasizes Jesus's divine self-awareness and his unwavering faith in his divine origin and destiny. This awareness further underscores his acceptance of his fate and his love for his disciples, motivating his actions during the last supper.
    • By washing his disciples' feet in the upper room in Jerusalem, Jesus was acting on his love for his disciples, performing an act of humble service and demonstrating a critical principle of his teachings.
  • Peter told Jesus, “You will never wash my feet.”

    • Jesus's response that Peter would have no inheritance with him unless he allowed him to wash his feet conveys the importance of service and humility in the spiritual inheritance he was leaving his disciples.
    • McCarren's quote, “Peter is described as confounded by what he sees as an inappropriate reversal of roles,” reveals Peter's initial misunderstanding of Jesus's actions, demonstrating that the concept of humility and service was challenging, even for those closest to Jesus.
    • McCarren's statement, “Because Jesus is ‘Lord,’ he shouldn't be washing feet,” underscores the traditional hierarchical thinking that Jesus sought to overturn with his actions and teachings.
  • Jesus uses the washing of others' feet as a method of teaching that nobody is above service.

    • The quote from McCarren, “We hear Jesus instructing his disciples to explore the possibility that if he, their master teacher – their lord – finds satisfaction in serving, the same might be true for them,” encapsulates the transformative lesson Jesus aimed to impart: if even he, their Lord, could serve, then they too should follow in his footsteps.
    • The verses from John 13:13-15, “You call me the teacher, the lord. That's right, I am. If I, the teacher, the lord, washed your feet, you should wash each others feet. I gave you an example. Do what I did,” further highlight this point. Here, Jesus explicates his actions, emphasizing that his act of service should be a model for his disciples# I need to look up a quote from McCarren to complete the outline.

McCarren, Paul J. “Jesus and His Disciples Together for Supper.” A Simple Guide to John, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, 2013.

Osiek, Carolyn, and Leslie J. Hoppe. “John 13: 1-17.” Anselm Academic Study Bible, Anselm Academic, Winona, MN, 2013. 

Tasker, R V G. “The Upper Room John 13: 1-17.” The Gospel According to St. John: An Introduction and Commentary, Inter-Varsity Tyndale, London, 1960.**

Last update: June 5, 2023
Created: June 5, 2023