Final Writing Assignment

The Unit 3 Assessment, which you will complete during our Final Assessment period on Monday, December 12, will include three parts:

Part I: Terms Quiz (30 points)

This part of the assessment will look very similar to the terms quizzes we completed for Units 1 and 2. All terms on the daily handouts from Unit 3 (3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6) listed with arrows or solid bullet points are fair game. You will not be assessed on terms with open bullet points.

Part II: Historical Analysis (50 points)

For this assignment, you will write one detailed paragraph of historical analysis (8-15 sentences). You may choose among these prompts: 

Option 1. 

How was the battle over the meaning of the Civil War in American memory fought during Reconstruction and Redemption?

In other words:

How did supporters of Redemption try to change the way Americans thought about the Civil War and the idea it should lead to a “new birth of freedom”?

Option 2.

How do we understand the history of Reconstruction and Redemption in relationship to the story of the Gilded Age?

In other words:

How was the labor of different racial groups exploited in similar and different ways during the Gilded Age (1880-1900)?

Option 3. 

How do we understand the history of Reconstruction and Redemption in relationship to the story of the final conquest of Indigenous Nations?

In other words:

How might ideologies of racial hierarchy helped justify both Redemption and Imperialism?

Part III: Historical Reflection (20 points)

Craft a thoughtful reflective paragraph (8-12 sentences) responding to the following prompt:

Based on your historical understanding of Reconstruction and Redemption, what lesson can we learn about what circumstances move our country closer to its founding ideals and what circumstances move our country farther from its founding ideals?

Requirements for Historical Analysis

  • Topic Sentence. Answer the question in a clear, direct sentence that makes an argument and addresses the prompt

  • Evidence. Provide 2 pieces of specific, detailed historical evidence to support your claim. Try to choose examples that are connected to each other in some way. 

  • Try to paraphrase most of your evidence -- explain what happened in your own words. For example, you might quote a brief phrase from the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments or a similar dynamic and exciting primary source,  but you should not include long quotes, and you definitely should not quote textbooks. 

  • Put your evidence in chronological order. This will help your historical narrative make sense and will often help you show how one example builds on another. 

  • Analysis. Connect the evidence clearly back to the argument. In this case, you should clearly explain how the evidence shows either a success or failure of democracy. Using language for specific features of democracy is a good strategy. Focus especially on linking specific facts from your evidence to your thesis.

  • Citation. Cite your evidence -- whether quoted or paraphrased --  using MLA-style parenthetical citation. For this assignment, you will generally cite like this (Class Notes, Day 24). Or, for a primary source, use the author’s last name (Walker). 

  • Writing Style. Proofread your writing to make sure that it is easy for a reader to understand and doesn’t contain major grammatical or syntax errors. Write in past tense. Practice academic writing style by avoiding “I,” “me,” “you,” or “we.” 

  • Format Make sure your name and period is on top of the page in MLA block. Double space and 12 font.

  • Use the Google Doc on Schoology, and submit your work to Schoology when you are finished. 

Historical Writing Rubric 







Approaches Standard




Topic Sentence 

The topic sentence answers makes an insightful argument that shows a complex understanding of the question.  

The topic sentence answers the question clearly and directly. 

The topic sentence addresses the question, but it may be overly general or not an argument. 

No topic sentence is present, or topic sentence strays far from the question. 


(In history, evidence may be descriptions of events, facts, statistics, or quotes from primary sources. You do NOT need direct quotes to have evidence.) 

Evidence is detailed and fully accurate. The author carefully chooses the most convincing pieces of evidence to support the argument. 

Evidence is detailed, mostly accurate, and relevant to the argument. There are enough specific facts, quotes, or examples used to support the argument. 

Evidence is presented, but it may be inaccurate, too general, or not clearly relevant. There are not enough specific facts, quotes, or examples to support the argument. 

Very little evidence is presented. The evidence has major errors. Generalizations are presented in place of specific facts.  


Analysis clearly and persuasively connects facts to the argument. Analysis demonstrates an insightful interpretation of the evidence. 

Analysis consistently connects facts to the argument. No facts are left “hanging” without explanation. 

Analysis attempts to connect facts to the argument, but the connection may not be fully clear or developed. Some evidence may not be fully connected, or some evidence may be misinterpreted. 

Does not explain how the facts connect to the argument. 

Historical Accuracy

As a whole, writing presents a detailed, complex grasp of specific historical evidence and the overall historical period. 

As a whole, writing presents specific historical evidence and the overall historical period without major errors. 

As a whole, writing needs to be revised for accuracy -- either for specific historical evidence, or to better represent the overall historical period.  

Writing contains major errors in facts or the overall grasp of the time period in ways that undermine the argument. 

Writing Craft

for feedback only 

Beyond avoiding errors, the writing demonstrates the writer’s original voice, or communicates ideas in especially vivid or engaging ways. Writing uses varied sentence structure. 

Writing is free from major errors in grammar or syntax. The author’s meaning is clear. 

Historical writing is in past tense. 

Writing has some noticeable errors in grammar and syntax. The author’s meaning is sometimes unclear. 

Historical writing is in present tense. 

Writing has many errors in grammar or syntax. Revision is needed to make ideas clear to the reader. 

Requirements for Historical Reflection

  • Topic Sentence. Answer the question in a clear, direct sentence that offers a tangible and applicable insight about the nature of US political society.

  • Historical Context. Offer nuanced, detailed discussion of some focused aspect of the historical content we’ve studied from Unit 3 (1861-1900).

  • Application. Apply the insight you identify in your topic sentence to the broad challenge we still face today of living up to our founding ideals.

  • Format Make sure your name and period is on top of the page in MLA block. Double space and 12 font.

  • Use the Google Doc on Schoology, and submit your work to Schoology when you are finished. 

Historical Reflection Rubric  


Exceeds Standard


Meets Standard


Approaching Standard


Below Standard 

Historical Accuracy 

The paragraph uses accurate and specific details that demonstrate a complex grasp of the historical period. Chronology is accurately described.  

The paragraph uses accurate and specific details that demonstrate a clear grasp of the historical period.  Chronology is accurately described. 

The paragraph uses some details but makes vague statements, demonstrating a general grasp of the historical period with minor gaps or misunderstandings. Chronology have errors.

The paragraph uses few or no specific historical details, and it shows big gaps or misunderstandings about the historical period. Chronology is quite inaccurate. 

Meaningful Application

The paragraph goes beyond giving specific facts and explains a complex and powerful application of historical content to present day world

The paragraph goes beyond giving facts and explains a thoughtful application of historical content to present day world

The paragraph attempts to explain an application, but it needs more exploration or lacks authentic meaning

The paragraph attempts  an application but it is either superficial or lacks coherence.

Last update: June 5, 2023
Created: June 5, 2023